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AGE …………… ..18 + 



"Now do your best, I need to leave with the old man right now"

"All right"

The doctor spoke with trembling, one of the soldiers pulled out his pistol and handed it to me.

“Make Sure You Stop Them”

"Okay great"

I went into the room, the doctor quickly prepared the old man.

"My wife, I beg you to be strong"

I spoke while holding Yemi's cheeks while keeping my eyes focused as she was shaking her whole body. 


"Do you understand me?"

"Yes honey"

I held my gun properly, opened the door and looked out, all the soldiers I had left outside for a few minutes all found them dead, and on this cord no one thing made me go back inside with a lot of anxiety.

"What is there?"   

Yemi asked me while shaking her body.

“All the soldiers are dead”   

“Oh my God”


I silenced Yemi after hearing the footsteps of people, I quickly looked inside the room, I saw a gas canister. I picked it up quickly, everyone in the room was left stunned.



I spoke as I looked Yemi in the face. Suddenly everyone rushed to his place, and I remained standing at the door, quickly rolling the gas canister down, towards the cord. The attackers started firing.

"Don't shoot"

I heard the loud voice of one of these invaders, with the small openness of the door I dreaded, making you see the gas canister, I slowly closed one eye as I pointed my pistol, with two point bullets landing on this gas canister, making it explode, causing a great tremor as the cries of these invaders were heard, I quickly opened the door, every living invader, made sure I shot him in the head and that was the end of his life. There are six of these invaders and they have covered their faces and kept only their eyes, I quickly began to rain one after another the mask he had covered his face. Everything I revealed has an American image, this is where I came to believe that President Donald Bush has decided to declare war on me. 


I began to search the entire exit area of ​​this hospital, when I made sure that security was guaranteed I went back to the room where Yemi the doctors and her father were.

“Leave Us Alone”

I spoke as I grabbed Mzee Okocha's bed, and we began to pull it out, with great care. When we reached the place where the ambulance was, we put old Okocha in the car.


"My wife, go home first, there's a job I'm finishing here"

"What do you mean Peter?"

"You heard me, Yemi. Go home with my father. There is a job I am finishing. Your stay here will endanger my father's condition. You doctor drive ”

"Okay great"

"P… .."

"Please Yemi go home"

I spoke emphatically as I put Yemi in the car and closed the door, the doctor started the car and left the area. I took my phone out of my pocket and put it back in while being very careful. I started filming the bodies of these Americans along with old Okocha soldiers and then recorded myself.


"I know I am not guilty of this, but the president has pushed me into this. I did not expect that you would walk with my wife Eve, then send me your soldiers to destroy me, but they were able to kill these soldiers, believing that even I would be able to easily kill me. Mr. President, do not need to return your country to the cause of Osama Bin Laden because by your ignorance you will send thousands of your people to perish in the case of a woman, if you love yourself it is better to abandon this war. You sent me to work as a detective, but from now on, Mr. President, I will not be able to do that job, I will live my normal life, and I will never need to get involved in a life of revenge, the past let go. I wish you and Eve a better life ”


After talking like this, I sent this video to President Donald Bush via WhatsApp. I got out and got into one of the cars and started chasing the ambulance with in my mind a lot of thoughts of what President Donald Bush had done.

'Sinto took revenge'

I found myself talking like that, driving too fast. I managed to reach them, all I did was pass it fast and lead this short caravan, the beauty of my head tends to pass part once it is hard to get out of my head. We arrived at the house of old Okocha and found his soldiers tightening security, the soldiers assisting the two doctors we came with, they lowered the old man and took him inside, with Yemi following behind.


One of the soldiers called out to me, standing in front of me and saluting me.

"Yes brother what do you need?"

"From now on you are the commander of our army."

"Who said that?"

The soldier handed me a cell phone with a video showing old Okocha talking.


"My people of Boko Haram, I believe I have formed this force for more than fifteen years now. I have been leading the way in making sure I fight all the ongoing corruption in this country. At the moment my condition is bad, anytime and any day I could die. After my death, I will need my son-in-law Peter to take my place. I believe through him the goals of the illegal boko will move forward and he will fight for justice as I have been fighting for myself. I ask you to follow His command and everything He tells you to do. I wish you every success ”

I found myself holding my breath as I finished watching this video.

"General, let us invade this country's military camp."

"Early, let's look at the health of the old man"

I spoke as I handed the relative his phone, started walking confidently inside, and found Yemi standing in the living room with her face wet with tears. I approached him and hugged him slowly.

"God will help the father to recover"

"Really Peter?"

"Yes, believe me my wife, my father will recover"

We continued to hug Yemi while everyone was in a state of misery. We parted company and sat on the sofa, all of us eager to know how the patient was doing.




"What did you go back to the hospital for?"

"We will talk later my wife, for now let's pray for the same father my wife"

"Okay my husband, but I just needed to be able to understand, because now I'm scared, because I do not know why we attacked …… .."

We found ourselves sitting quietly as we got up from the sofa, all our eyes fixed on the face of this doctor who came out of the room where my father was lying.

"Doctor, how is my father doing?"

The doctor's face was full of sadness, he slowly took off his glasses and wiped away the tears. For my part I realized that the old man had already passed away.


"Doctor tell me how is my father doing?"

Yemi spoke loudly as she grabbed the doctor, his jacket and started shaking him violently.

"Sir, we are no longer with him in the world"

Yemi looked at the doctor for a few seconds, gadla relaxed and started to go down, before he got to the bottom I told him not to fall. I quickly picked her up and laid her on the sofa, unbuttoning her pants.

"He's just unconscious, he'll be fine"

The doctor spoke as he looked Yemi in the face. I could not say anything because today has been a very long day for me since last night, I found myself sitting on the sofa looking at Yemi who is lying still.

"I'm sorry we tried our best but it failed completely, I beg your pardon for that"

The doctor continued to speak in a gentle and humble voice. I stood up and stepped out, calling to one of the soldiers.


"Please gather all the soldiers in the area, I have talks with them"

"Okay great"

I went back inside, quickly and headed to the room where the body of old Okocha was. I found the doctor standing on the sidewalk with great sadness.

"What word did he speak before he died?"

The doctor shook his head indicating that the old man had not said anything before his death. I measured Elder Okocha with my fingers on the side of his neck, and confirmed that Elder Okocha had passed away.

“Prepare the old man”

"Okay great"

As I stepped outside the room, I found two soldiers standing waiting for me.

"Great we have already assembled"

"You stay here and protect my wife, you guide us"

"Okay great"

We went out with this soldier, headed for one compound and found more than a thousand soldiers standing in a straight line. I stood at a high point where all the soldiers could see us.


"Is this the headquarters of this army?"

"There are no headquarters outside this city"

"How many soldiers are there?"

“More than two and a half lakhs”


"Here you will be filmed directly and will be broadcast to headquarters and all the soldiers there will also be watching you, sir."


After I finished talking to this soldier I brought him to this place. I stared at them for a few seconds as I pondered what I could talk about.

"Fellow soldiers, I believe what I am going to talk about is going to hurt everyone's heart but we have to talk more about it."

I swallowed a little while standing still.

"Our old man, our chief died ten minutes ago, his death was caused by a blood cancer that he has been living with for a year now."


I saw some of the soldiers in tears, but they did not shake or put their heads down and stand with the same firmness I had found with them.

“The old man has left me his seat, not because I am better than you or because I am his son-in-law. But it was God Himself who brought me here. I will make sure that I lead the Boko Haram army to overthrow all corrupt, corrupt and power-hungry leaders. And the deaths of soldiers who died in hospitals must be paid by the United States. ”

I spoke emphatically as I watched these soldiers.


I spoke as I stretched out my right hand, all the soldiers responded with a common voice that gave me hope and confidence that I was able to lead these soldiers in fulfilling the dreams that old Okocha had and they came true.


A soldier followed me and whispered in my ear.

"Your great wife is awake, she is in the morgue"


"I'm Coming"

I spoke in a low voice to this soldier, then turned and looked at these soldiers.

"I believe together we will help in ensuring that we work together to ensure that everything is planned as planned, and the good thing is that I will lead those operations as my blood is still boiling, I ask you to continue with security duties while performing our funeral arrangements."

After finishing talking so I got down on this platform, quickly started walking towards the inside, straight to the room with the body of old Okocha, I found Yemi lying with her head on her father's chest crying very bitterly.


    I didn't want to lift him more than to remain standing while I just stared at him. The way Yemi complains bitterly makes me feel really bad for the meaning. Slowly I stepped outside, wiping away the tears that had begun to fall. I took my phone out of my pocket, searched for the major's number and then called him, his phone rang for a few seconds and then it was answered.

"Yes Major"

"Dany the video you sent to the president, has been handed over to the FBI, and they have been tasked with finding you."

"What are they looking for in me?"

"Dany realizes you've killed the American commandos, something the United States will not forgive in this case."


"Major I know you understand something that is going on, the thing I have done is to protect myself and the people around me, and why did I not accept the result in front of the president but he did not want to kill me now all he needs is to create peace"

"I know that Dany, but for me I have nothing to do but be able to inform you of their movements. What you need is to make sure that the phone you are using is not being hacked by any spy network because doing so could be a serious mistake and your security would be limited. ”

"And how did they know you were in the hospital?"

"I don't know but be very careful Dany"

"I thank the major, but if the president needs to get into trouble with me, I will not stay down and he will force me to raise my hand in dealing with him."


"Okay Dany"

"Thank you Major"


I heard Yemi's voice behind me, quickly turned around as I slipped my phone into my pocket.

"Who are you talking to?"   

Yemi asked me as her eyes were red from crying so much.


I spoke while holding Yemi's hand, and we entered one of the rooms, which, after looking at its walls, I found with many bookshelves.

"My wife, there is a lot of work that I will have to do after my father's tragedy"


"What work?"

"Will I have to destroy the president of the United States?"

"What… really understand Peter?"

“Yemi, what I say I mean. The United States has been a country that is constantly striving to expand its global reach, and to encroach on the sovereignty of some African countries as well as Asia. ”

"As the leader of your father's army at the moment, I cannot continue to sit and see that some of my people have died in the hospital and if I had not used my mind you and I would also have died. For whom would the murderer be held by whom, who would hold him, who would dare even touch the United States for his death? ”


I spoke bitterly as I looked Yemi in the face, she fell silent because she had nothing to do.

"Americans need your father's army to disintegrate and die. Do these soldiers have no family, no wives, no parents, no children. Who will take care of their families. What government jobs will be able to recruit these soldiers? ”

"I beg you to let me do this job, your father believed me and made me the leader of this army. I love you and I will protect you I don't need anyone …… .. ”


I didn't finish speaking my sentence, Yemi hugged me tightly while sucking my lips. Slowly we started sucking on each other with tears streaming down our faces.

“I love you so much my husband”

Yemi spoke after leaving my mouth open.

“I love you too my wife. I am now asking you to deal with the plans to bury my father. ”

"Okay my husband, I beg you to be careful because you have been given responsibilities that no one can expect if they find you"


"Thank you my wife, your closeness to me at the moment I need more than anything"

"Well my husband I'm here for you"


Leaving the room, I called out to one of the soldiers whom I had found standing in the living room.

"Who is the noble vice president"

"He is Major Otomu, and he is currently headquartered."

“How can I get in touch with him?”

"There is a communication room, you can communicate directly by contact"

"Please prepare the session I need to see him"

"Okay great"

I went straight to the special communication room, the big TV in here was turned on and I sat in the chair in front of this TV.

"Within ten seconds he will be on the air"    



Within ten seconds Major Otomu, appeared on this big Tv.

"How are you, Peter?"

"Safe Major Otumu. I need to hear your views on the funeral of our elders ”

"We were waiting for your statement, but if you agree with us then we will come to bury the old man here at the army headquarters"

"I can't deny that because you are my hosts, but before we can make any military decisions I have to involve my wife because she is also 100% involved in this."

"So no problem"

"I'm going to call my wife"

"Okay general"


Although it is a job I can afford, I never imagined in my life that one day I would become a military leader again a terrorist army run by his country government which is Nigeria and the whole world. My life is always in a very difficult time to be hunted, and the main source that gets me into these problems is the love that started with my boss K2, the door opened and I found myself shocked from this congestion, Yemi sat on a chair next to me with eyes his watching on this big Tv.

"My wife and I are discussing where we can bury my father, and the mayor has suggested that my father be buried at the camp headquarters."

Yemi was silent for a moment as she looked me in the face, slowly shaking her head in agreement with what I had told her.

"My wife has agreed to this."   

"Okay folks, then I'll send two helicopters, within forty-five minutes they'll be there"

"I will thank the major"


We ended the conversation and left the room with Yemi holding her hand. Elder Okocha's body was prepared by doctors and he was dressed in his army uniform.

"Great helicopters have arrived, we hope to leave now"

I came out of this room to prepare the body of old Okocha. I found Yemi standing in the living room.

"Let's leave my wife"

"And the father?"

“They Are Coming With Him”


Accompanying the soldier to the helicopter that landed at one of the airports in the area, we were shown a landing helicopter. We got in and slowly this helicopter started to leave the ground.

"Have you ever been to your father's army headquarters?"

"That's when I cried, before I left for England to study"


"All right"

"But after this tragedy is over I will ask you to tell me the truth about my life with my father."

"Okay my wife"

"But I beg you not to forsake me"

"Why should I leave my wife?"

"Because my father and I didn't have time to tell you the truth about our lives."

"Don't worry my wife, everything happens for a reason"

I continued to comfort Yemi so that she would not become so weak. We managed to get to the headquarters of Boko Haram, in my normal sense I felt that it could be a place of refuge but to be honest it is a well-built area, this old man was able to invest a lot of money in investing in this army, even in the wild and in the mountains. very.


We were greeted by Major Otumu, who was immediately taken to the rest area as the team left at 5am.

"We have arranged for the funeral to take place at noon"

"Why have you put the schedule so far ahead?"

"Because there are other guests who were friends of the general we have been able to inform and many have promised to be able to attend this funeral"

"Okay I leave it to you but security is not enough?"


"Yes, there is enough"

"So I beg you to rest because this day has been very long for us"

"No trouble, General"

The major came out of the room where Yemi and I were. I sat on the sofa with a lot of thoughts.

"Will my husband really be able to lead this army?"

"Why are you asking me that?"

"I just asked my husband, I see you have a lot of ideas"

“Don't worry my wife I will. How could I not hear your son's request to attend his grandfather's funeral? ”

"He is so far away from Nigeria he will never be able to have a funeral?"

"Where is he?"

"She is in Canada at the moment"

"Okay my wife"

Exhausted, I found myself falling asleep and sleeping soundly. 


"Baby wake up"

I heard Yemi's voice talking to me. I opened my eyes and found myself covered with a sheet.

"I covered you with a blanket my husband, it was so cold?"

"Aren't you sleeping?"

"I have completely lost my husband"

"Well, what time is it now?"

"It's four o'clock in the morning, the guests have already started arriving, but the Major is receiving them and we will have to go with them to receive them."

"Okay my wife"

I quickly unzipped myself, stood up and let out a sigh of relief.

"But you have to change clothes now you are the army general"

"Where are the clothes to wear?"

Yemi stepped up to one of the cupboards and handed me some military uniforms. I began to wear these clothes slowly. Yemi started wearing the titles I deserved in my shirt, and I wore a hat with my title that is red in color. Dressed in army boots, Jemi joked with me and found me laughing out loud.

“You have made my husband very happy”   

"Thank you my wife"


"Let's go now my husband"

As we left the room, every soldier I met greeted me with respect. Arriving at the helicopter terminal, we found one helicopter preparing to disembark. Gradually, the helicopter came to a halt, and two young women, all dressed in black, came down with black sunglasses on their faces. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw K2 coming down wearing a military uniform which made me stare at him with angry eyes mixed with the horrible things he had done to my family several years ago.

K2 began to walk with confidence as his bodyguards surrounded him, one on his right and the other on his left. K2 began to greet the major, as they shook hands and spoke two or three words and they seemed to know each other very well. He greeted Yemi, then followed me, our eyes met and he remained amazed at me for a few seconds, to avoid people seeing the differences between us, I gave him the right hand while looking at his face, slowly and he gave me his hand nervously.

"Mr. President, this is my husband named Peter, he is currently the commander-in-chief of the army."

Yemi spoke after discovering that we did not know each other.

"Thank you for getting to know General Peter."

"This Peter is the president of Tanzania, the closest person to my father and he is called K2"

"Thank you for understanding Mr. President K2"

"You too"


I shook K2's hand a little to signal that there was still a bifu between us, then I let go of his hand, and he was led by the soldiers with the task of guiding the official visitors to the relevant area they were supposed to reach.

"How many visitors will arrive today?"

I asked Yemi in a low voice.

"I don't know maybe the major knows how many visitors can come"

“Do It”

In a gesture Yemi called to the major, and walked with a steady pace to where I was standing.

"How many guests are left to arrive?"

"There are eleven guests left and they are all on their way"

"Well, is there a close visitor you expect to be able to get here in a few minutes?"


"The guest we are expecting to arrive by now, will be here in a quarter of an hour."

"Okay Major"

The major greeted me and then returned to the appropriate section.

"My wife, please go to the bathroom, I have a small urge."

"Okay my husband, how about we get tea?"

"No, we'll find out later that the stranger is coming"


I left at a fast pace in this area, I didn't need to go to the toilet but my need was to go see K2.

"What building is the President of Tanzania?"

"The great one there"


I went to the building where K2 was and found his bodyguards standing outside the room.

"I need to see your president"   

One guard went in, after a minute he came out and let me in. I went in, closed the door on the inside, and found K2 holding his pistol as he sat on the sofa inside and folded his legs in a fourth form. His left hand is holding a large cigarette smoking slowly. We stared at each other for a few seconds and then sat down on the sofa in front of this sofa, with us separated by a glass table.

"I see you have a very large army"

K2 spoke as he let out a puff of cigarette smoke from his mouth.

“I have not come to negotiate with you, nor do I know whether I have an army or not. I have come to warn you of what you will try to say ”


“Hahahaaa, Dany oohooo sorry. General Peter, why are you so upset? Am I here to bury my friend and leave or do you feel that I will speak the truth that you are a terrorist I am looking for in my country and you are also an American spy? ”

"Who told me I was a spy?"

“Dany realize that I am older than you, from age to intelligence. I know all your movements that you do, and if you need to intimidate me, I will go and talk everything in front of these soldiers and you will see what they will do. Then you are really cunning you have used your beauty to seduce the child of the people until his father has given you the generality that there are people in this army who deserved it ”


K2 spoke confidently, as he slowly continued to smoke, I looked at his pistol he was holding.

"I will still hunt you down even if you need to destroy me in this army because it means nothing to me."

"Hahahaa Dany stop playing baby bits, remember this is Nigeria and not Tanz that you will be able to hide in the alleys you know. Now if you need me to continue here in this castle that you own, I give you twenty-four hours to strip yourself of the power of general and disappear when you know it, otherwise you will die in this castle ”

"I will not die and I am not afraid to die, if you have not been able to arrest me since you were NSS, and you have been president and I have set one table for you again in the palace without knowing me, then realize you cannot beat me. I know your K2 weaknesses and I will be able to use them to make sure I have a fall ”


I spoke with confidence, then stood up and started to walk toward the door. K2 started laughing with contempt and made me stand up, I turned and looked at him with very sharp eyes as I clenched the fist of my right hand, the thing that makes me unable to follow K2 almost is the pistol he is holding in his hand.

"Dany one day be careful when you talk"

K2 took his phone out of his pocket, and listened to all the conversations we were having, but for the whole time we were together he was recording them.

"Now through this you will let me live in peace of the Lord, and you will also follow what I have told you that within twenty-four hours I will decide to stay here, make sure that you strip yourself of your generosity and do not even drag yourself into this camp. Bye ”


K2 shook my hand, angrily slipped out of the room and slammed the door until his bodyguards rushed inside to look at their superior. Straight away I headed for our room, walked over to the bathroom, stood in front of a mirror and looked at myself. All my eyes are ruled by redness caused by severe fever as well as K2 sarcasm.

'I must kill him'

I spoke angrily and found myself punching this glass until it broke.


I heard Yemi's voice behind me, turned around and found her standing there dazed, for the whole glass was shattered to pieces.

"What's wrong with my husband?"

Yemi asked me as she looked me in the face, looked at my right hand, quickly approached me and held it. 


"My husband, look, you're bleeding, man."

Yemi spoke as she put my hand on the sink, pulled out a small piece of glass that I cut into my finger. Yemi quickly started washing away the spilled blood, left the bathroom quickly, after a minute came back with a small box for storing first aid items, began to wash me with a medicine that is very painful, but I did not care more than your spirit was controlled by the spirit of murder.

"Peter my husband please tell me what happened to you guys"

Yemi spoke as she wrapped me in a white bandage.

"I need …… .."

I kept quiet as I thought and talked about something that was in my heart, but I realized that Yemi does not deserve to know anything because this war is not about him at all.


"What do you need my husband"

Yemi spoke as she held my cheeks with the palms of her two hands. I looked at her face for a few seconds, then quickly began to suck on her lips.

"I need to fuck you ** …… .."

I spoke as I grabbed Yemi by the hips and squeezed her tightly, she didn't argue because I was the man I owned. I carried her out of the bathroom, laid her on the bed, and began to undress her, while she worked to unbutton my shirt.


"But my husband there are guests wata."

"Shiiiii ……"

I spoke as I closed Yemi's mouth with our lips, and we continued to suck our lips hard. I started playing,

    When we finished the first round, we slowly found ourselves hugging each other with anger as the anger subsided somewhat. We got down and went into the bathroom, took a quick shower and went back to the room, put on our clothes and left the room.


"My husband now has to have your guardian"


"Ahaa you are a general having a bodyguard is a must and not one but even two or three"

"I need you to have the same guards my wife"

"Okay my husband"

When we arrived at the helicopter airport, visitors from different countries continued to arrive, until it was eight o'clock in the afternoon we had finished receiving the guests we intended to reach in the tragedy of old Okocha. 


On our way to the cafeteria, I was introduced to all the strangers who could come to this place. Every time I look at K2 I feel my heart ache because I still have a grudge against him.

We continued to have lunch during the day as the funeral parlor was being prepared by the military. After lunch we didn’t have time to waste. We headed straight for the funeral home. We found many soldiers lined up, all wrapped in black cloths on their left hands.

"General there is a treatise you should read"

The major spoke in a whisper to me as he placed several cartons on my desk.


"Risala, why didn't you inform me in advance?"

"It's just a mistake that happened, but I'll ask you to review it for a few minutes and then when it comes time to shoot I'll ask you to read it."

I took a deep breath, went through the four papers, and then shook my head in agreement with the Major that I would read them. The Major got back in his chair and made me start now reading this paper, step by step.

"Are they well prepared?"

Yemi asked me while whispering to me

"Yes, I'm going through it here"

"Let me see it for the manna I gave you the details and how to write it"


I handed the papers to Yemi, and she began to go through them one after the other.

"There are things they have not put, if you do not care I ask you to read this treatise"


"Okay my wife, but what are the things they haven't put in?"

"The history of my father has been misunderstood, his struggle in forming this army they have written a whitewash, now I don't know who wrote it"

With a gesture I called to the major, and he came to the area where we were, and slowly lowered himself.

“Why did you write this major article in different languages? This is not what I told your people this morning. ”

"I'm so sorry, if possible I can prepare another one"

"No I'll give it to my head, okay"

"Okay great"


Yemi spoke a little harshly, I allowed Major to leave and remained watching Yemi as she continued to read this treatise. When the time came to read the dissertation, he stood up and approached the special carousel, and began to read his father's treatise while recounting his father's history. Until he finished the tears were falling on his face and I stood up and moved closer to him and stood up and hugged him slowly while my eyes looked at the invited guests. My eyes came to K2 who was also looking at me, with a hand gesture he showed me a sign to cut my neck, something that made me hate him even more until I felt my heart want to burst with this pain I feel.


When the time came to read the dissertation, he stood up and approached the special carousel, and began to read his father's treatise while recounting his father's history. Until he finished the tears were falling on his face and I stood up and moved closer to him and stood up and hugged him slowly while my eyes looked at the invited guests. My eyes came to K2 who was also looking at me, with a hand gesture he showed me a sign to cut my neck, something that made me hate him even more until I felt my heart want to burst with this pain I feel.



Slowly I returned Yemi to the chair she was sitting on, and I sat in my chair thinking about the sign that K2 had been able to do for me. Funeral arrangements were made, and tanks began to be fired, as is the case with military regulations. If a military leader or a senior government official dies, then several tanks are fired into the air in honor of the military. The time came for the burial of old Okocha, all of us in this area stood up, and witnessed the soldiers unloading the old man's body from the grave, which made Yemi unable to restrain herself and burst into tears. 

I hugged him tightly to my chest as I begged him to calm down, I did not need to witness how this old man is buried as Yemi cries so much that he can not even stand up. Slowly I picked her up and left her in this area and returned to the building with our room.

"Peter how will I live without my father… .."

Yemi spoke as she wept bitterly.

"I am my wife, I am here, do not cry, please, for this is all God's work.


Yemi continued to cry, with her head resting on my chest. For more than an hour I had the job of babysitting Yemi until she fell asleep, I laid her down comfortably on this sofa we were sitting on, took a sheet and covered her whole body and left her head alone.

I stepped out, with my mind currently beginning to think about how I could stop K2.


A soldier called out to me, saluting me, and I stood up and looked at him.


"There is a session in the main room, official guests are waiting for you"

"Who will call the session?"   



I looked at the soldier, then began to accompany him. Arriving at the session office, before entering, I looked at the soldiers and various guards lined up outside this office, waiting for their bosses inside the session, and then I let this soldier open the door for me. I went inside and found the invited guests sitting on chairs, and when they saw me they all stood up in a gesture of respect. It is the only chair that is empty, and it is the only chair I have to sit on because there is a tablet with my fake name on the table which is Peter.

I got to my seat, looked at all the guests, then gestured for them to sit down and sit down. Major in the place where he was sitting, he stood stiffly as he looked me in the face.

"First of all I apologize to the general for convening a session before I inform you but the niche is an emergency session and I would like you to listen to what the members who form the illegal gang need to talk to you. I believe he is a newcomer to this army, but I believe that by increasingly you will be able to understand all the agendas of this group.


I shook my head as I accepted his Majesty's apology, most of the people in this office are older than me and some are just like my fathers.

"At the moment you are the leader of the illegal boko, what can you do for this unity so that you can achieve its goals"

An old man asked me as he looked me in the face, I slowly took a deep breath as I looked at his face.

"I will stand by the goals that old Okocha had and I will ensure that Boko Haram continues to advance and become the most powerful group in the world as it is with groups like Alquida."


"Mr. Speaker, how is it prepared to deal with big countries like the United States, Britain and France that every day are trying to add military experts in training indigenous people, especially government soldiers, so that they can later overthrow this group and erase it from the world map?"

"I will establish a strategy for transplanting people in every country's army, especially here in Nigeria, the United States and elsewhere. Those people I will make sure they work with us to understand what those forces are planning, that is one. Two I will set up a murder squad for all traitors who will try to sell the secret of this union, sinto jali is a leader within this group or you are outside this group, what I will make sure is that I burn you and your family. Another question ”


I spoke with confidence and emphasis and made these people look at each other, until K2 himself, he just stared at me.

"We have invested our money to ensure that this army uses the money to take different commercial areas and put them under supervision and run the business of the area and our money can be returned, now what do you have in mind for that?"

The old man spoke and made me stare at him for a few seconds until he looked down.

"You can give your money away"

I spoke emphatically and made these leaders start whispering.


“As a teenager, I have the ability to take up arms and fight with my teens. I will give my life for that. You cannot stay where you are with your family and rely on us to fight or my young men to fight for you and you to benefit and continue to live a life of happiness and peace if the blood of my soldiers is shed. Remember these are people and not chickens or cattle. And let me warn you in that if you expect to commit to this union, I will make sure that I beat your country and take it, especially in the investments you depend on ”

All the elders were silent as they stared at me, for the procedure I came up with here I believe is new and everyone will have offended him in one way or another.

"Another question?"   

K2 raised his hand a little to ask for a chance to speak, I found my stomach shaking a little in fear as I do not know what he wants to talk about.



"If we decide to give our money to this union, your soldiers will not starve to death?"

K2's question caused me to hold my breath slowly while controlling my fears that had already fed me to control my whole body.

"If you have joined this party, I will not allow you to leave and I ask that it be known to all of you."

"But that language is not fair and that is not what he was doing the previous language, because he ran this party in unity and love that's why today we have come to bury him?"

“This is also the unity and love that you will all love. Goals cannot be achieved by laughing or being afraid to invest your money. The goals will be achieved by ensuring that respect prevails within this group. ”

My emphasis made these leaders seem to be full of so many thoughts in their heads I believe I would have suggested a climate of fear for every leader.


"I don't see the point in my leaving here"

An old man spoke as he pushed his chair back, and I quickly got up and walked over to where he was standing. Everyone in the office remained staring at us.

"Do you need to die?"

I asked her in a gentle voice as I stared at her.

"How are you going to lead an army like this?"

"Do you need to die?"

I added to the intensity of my voice, this old man remained staring at me, something that frightens these leaders in here all do not know my reality what kind of person I am, but only K2 knows me and he knows my mind as it is.

"Sit down, the session is not over yet"


Slowly the old man sat up in a chair, and I helped him push it forward a little because it was a wheelchair.

"I believe you all do not recognize me, and given this opportunity to lead this group I have not been given by accident or intention. I have the ability to lead, I know what to do which is why old Okocha was able to give me this opportunity. Elder Okocha knows the truth of my life ”

I had to cheat a little to get K2 out of the mindset of the plan to need to explain the truth about me in front of these leaders whose minds and hearts are already boiling with contemplation of my leadership.

"K2 also knows the truth of my life"

I spoke as I stood behind the K2 chair, all the officials looked at me, I saw how K2's chest was taking a lot of breath as I had already put the implant in my hands different from what he was thinking.

"President Donald Bush knows the truth of my life. Do you, you, you, you, you and you know the truth of my life? ”


I asked some leaders to point a finger at them, and they all shook their heads in acknowledgment that no one knew me.

"K2 can you tell your peers who I am?"

I talked while sitting in my chair, I saw K2's stuttering stuttering, in my heart I found myself starting to rejoice at K2's greatness and now I will need to grow physically.

"Haloooo K2, why are you silent?"

"Ahaa… .ahaa ……."

The major remained staring at me as he gave me a look of surprise, his surprise continued by looking at K2.

"She is OK. So you don't need to know me well because I will make sure I beat you to the chambers as I did to Al-Shabab ”

I saw these leaders shocked because I realize that they have heard the news of the disappearance of Al-Shabab and many of them I believe feel that the United States has erased Al-Shabab from the world map.

"Major make sure that not a single leader leaves today, I will all need you in tonight's dinner"

"Okay great"


"Question, comments, advice?"

No leader opened his mouth, they all fell silent.

"See you at night, I wish you a good evening"

I stood up and began to walk around the room with confidence, all the leaders remained escorting me with my eyes, I opened the door and left, I began to hear whispers, I had to open the door and make all the leaders who were standing sitting in their seats in fear.

"K2 I beg you"

Slowly K2 got up and followed me to the door, I opened the door for him and started to get him out.


"Dany you're a savage, you big dog"

K2 spoke angrily though in a low voice unheard of by anyone, I did not allow any guard to follow us behind, these K2 guards who receive orders from him, followed my command.

"Should I kill you with poison, bullets, or kill you?"

I asked K2 as we continued to walk slowly, for someone who could see us, would feel we were talking about good peace talks. We stopped at one of the flower gardens.

"I asked you to kill me in what style because today you can't leave me, did you feel that I would be afraid of your recorded conversations, or the fact that you are going to talk to these people who are currently following my orders?"

"If you kill me I will not help anything"

“Hahahaa, you are deceiving yourself, are you sure I will not help anything?

"Yes, for I know all the truth."

"What good is a web site if it simply" blends in "with everything else out there?


“The truth about your family”

I sighed silently as I looked K2 in the face. I wanted to slap him, but the soldiers guarding the area made it impossible for me to humiliate K2 in front of them.

"Great prostitute, what do you want to talk about in front of my family?"

"Your family is alive, I have not killed anyone as you speak ……."

I found myself unable to control myself and slapped K2 hard until he fainted, but he strained and stood up straight with tears streaming down his face.


I heard Yemi's voice calling me and I looked away and saw Yemi coming to the area where I was standing with K2.

"Ohoo sorry mom K2, my husband is not okay today"

Yemi spoke in a gentle voice because she didn't know what rust was going on between me and K2 and she felt that it was only today that we met.

"I'm sorry my son, I was instructing him on how to lead this army but I slipped some words and that's why he punished me like this"


“Oohoo sorry mom. Peter my husband, please calm down ”

Yemi spoke while holding my cheeks, slowly began to k .. my lips and made K2 start to leave this area.

"Calm down ehee my husband"

Yemi continued to caress me while holding my cheeks. Yemi took my hand and left the area.

"Peter I know everyone can bring you their advice, but try to control your anger because no one can bring you good advice my husband"



I didn't say anything after seeing the major coming in front of me. He greeted me, looked at Yemi a little and I gave him a signal to speak.

"General we have made sure that no leader leaves"

"The helicopters that the husband brought with them put up a good defense?"

"Yes, I believe that no one will be offended and whoever tries to do so will be overthrown."

Ehee wait first you guys. What is going on until the visitors leave the area? ”

“I need to have dinner with them”


"Eating dinner with them is what keeps them from leaving?"

"Yemi doesn't understand what's going on"

"That's why I need to be directed to my husband, how will I understand when I am not understood?"

"Among these leaders are traitors whom I must deal with so that the army can move forward."

"Then if there are no traitors let the others go"

"I can't do that"

“Do it”

Yemi spoke harshly until the major remained stunned. I turned to Yemi and looked at her face with sharp eyes.

"If you do not want to listen to what I have to say, I have violated my position and will lead your father's army alone"

After I finished saying those words, I began to take off my hat while following the titles in my shirt which made the major quickly kneel down and hold my legs while crying and begging me to stop my decisions.

"Gentlemen, we still need you we need your guidance"   

The major spoke as he continued to hold my legs. Slowly I saw Yemi with tears streaming down her face.

“Forgive me my husband”   

"Major can stand"

I spoke as I looked Yemi in the face, and began to put my titles back on my shirt.

"Make sure the plan I described goes on as I said."

"Okay great"

The Major left, I did not want to answer Yemi anything more than to start walking quickly towards our room.

"Peter, Peter"

Yemi called to me as she ran to me, holding my left hand.

“Let's talk about it”   

I spoke as I separated my hand from Yemi's hand. We went inside in a rage, not because of Yemi's aggression in front of me and Major, but because of something K2 had said. Slowly Yemi knelt down as she continued to shed tears on her face.

"Peter I beg you to forgive me my husband, I did not expect if I could scold you in front of people, I know you will be embarrassed, but I beg you to forgive me my husband"


I stared at Yemi's face, my heart longing to tell him the truth of my life but my mind completely refused.

"Peter realize you are the man of my dreams, realize you are everything in my life, please I beg you not to hate me for what I did"

"My wife, don't bother to apologize to me, it's not you who did me wrong"

I spoke in a gentle voice as I lifted Yemi, slowly sat down with her on the sofa, began to wipe away her tears, and then kissed her on the forehead.

"I need to change the system of this army"

"How is my husband?"

"You know there are people who have invested their money, and they are making a profit from this army, if there are too many soldiers losing their lives without gaining anything."

“Mmmmmm. Who are they, my husband? ”

“All the guests who came today. My wife advised me what to do, I feel my head is getting hot ”

Yemi took a deep breath as she silently looked me in the face.


“My husband, my father has trusted you to give you this title, I believe everything you do is right. Make sure you bring about a change that will take care of every soldier so that even if he decides to work then he is working hard ”

"Thank you my wife"

I spoke as I pulled Yemi closer to me, resting her head on my right shoulder.

“I will never repeat my husband interfering with your leadership. I believe you have the power to lead because I did not depend on whether the major could kneel before you

"I believe they have begun to understand me, tonight I will need to be with you for dinner"

"It's my responsibility my husband I can't let you be away from me"

"Thank you my wife"

Slowly Yemi turned to me and started licking my mouth, the door of our room slammed and I had to let go of Yemi. I started walking confidently to the door, opened the door to our room, and met the major tent.

"How are you, Major?"

"President K2 has escaped he and his bodyguards, he has killed ten of our guards"


Yemi quickly ran to where we were standing.

"Major you say mother K2 has killed ten guards?"


“My wife, K2, is a terrorist, and she has exposed herself as a terrorist. Major I need young people who will protect my wife, or take her to a special security room because I don't trust anyone other than you ”

"Okay great"


"Peter where are you going my husband"

"I must arrest K2 and destroy him in front of my soldiers"

"Peter just send the young people so they can go follow him?"

"No one knows K2 better than me and no one will be able to capture K2 more than me"

I spoke emphatically while keeping my eyes on Yemi.

"Do you know him?"   

"Yes, but this is not the time to comment on that. Major, make sure all other leaders are on fire, and make sure no one escapes again. ”

"Okay language"

Yemi quickly grabbed my cheeks, kissed me on the mouth, and then let go of me, looking at me.

“General forces are in the building to prepare they need your order. You follow the language ”


The Major spoke and handed me one soldier, we started running with this soldier and managed to get to the stadium, I found the soldiers already in their cars and weapons.

"I would like two pistols, enough magazines and a bulletproof jacket."

"Okay language"

"But I'm sorry sir, I would have thought that you would allow us to follow this traitor and you continue to protect this castle from missing an observer."

One of the soldiers spoke while looking me in the face.

"You can't catch K2, and if you don't look you can all find yourself dying like he killed your own, okay"

"Okay language"

I was given a bulletproof vest, put it on quickly, and pulled out two pistols and a few magazines. I let the cars go, with the car in front of me in front of me.


"Where did they go?"

I asked the driver as I looked him in the face.

"They headed north?"

"Do they have a car or legs?"

“They have legs”

"There is no need to use cars, stop cars and all soldiers should go in that direction"

"Okay language"

My driver contacted all the drivers using a wind tune. All six vehicles came to a standstill, two of which were targeted by two trucks and all were packed with soldiers.

"Make sure we cut K2 alive. Unless you have to injure him badly, you will have to do so because I do not need to see even the blood of any of you spill as I am the leader of this force ”


"Yes sir"

These soldiers talked together, I divided the forces of ten soldiers, and we began to enter the forest as we ran faster, but each one is very careful. As we progressed we could not see any signs of even their feet.

"Great we are moving forward without any success, what do we do and if you rely on darkness this is how it begins to dominate the sky"

The soldier we were with all the time told me while looking at me, even I myself am tired of looking for invisible people.

"Contact other lovers and ask if they have seen it all"

"Okay language"

Using a wind tune, he contacted the soldiers I had divided into different groups. The report he gave to each leader of the group, claimed he had not seen anything.

"Tell the others to continue with the operation and then I need five soldiers to return to camp"


“Okay great. The operation is ongoing, we are studying with the general in the camp ”

Five soldiers joined me and began returning to our camp. We spent more than forty-five minutes arriving at the camp. The tight security here in the camp continued to be strengthened.

"Take me to the places where the bodies of the soldiers are"

I accompanied the soldier to a special morgue, where I found the bodies of the soldiers already washed and placed in a special morgue. What amazed me was the bodies of these corpses with no injuries of any kind, but what I noticed was their necks being broken.

"The ones who came with them are not government guards"   

I found myself talking to myself as I turned one soldier's neck.

"Great you say?"    


"The K2 guards are the ones who have done this job, and they all come from his empty girls squad whose job it is to do this"

I told this soldier as I continued to turn the soldier's neck.

"What's your name?"


"Do you like this job?"

"That's great"

"Are you ready to die for someone else?"

"That's great"

"Can I trust you?"

"That's great"

"You will be my equal protector"

"Thank you very much"

Martin greeted me as he stood firm.

"How long have you been in this camp?"

“Five great years”

"Then later I will need you to tell me more about this camp"

"That's great"

Leaving the morgue, I headed straight for the building where the invited guests were staying.

"Where is my wife?"

I asked the major after he approached me.

"She is in a safe room"

"Have you prepared dinner?"

"Yes it is in the food hall"

"Bring my wife I need to talk to these people"



“There are the corpses in the morgue, I will need a recording, make sure that each corpse turns its neck because they have all had their necks broken. Also, make sure that the tape reaches the dining hall. ”

"Okay language"

I opened the door and entered this large room, where I found the guests in attendance, some sitting on sofas and others standing and talking.

"You will continue to lock us in here as captives for how long. This is the leadership left by old Okocha."

An old man spoke angrily until saliva in his mouth came out. I looked at him with sharp eyes until he was startled and looked away.

"If we understand each other, not one of you will be hurt in this, but if you are different from me, I promise to shoot everyone in the head and I am not afraid of your countries coming to attack me and my army, because you are all traitors."


"Wa… .sa… a… .aliti vi… ..pi baba ye… .tu?"

One of the elders spoke with trembling.

"We have ten minutes to prepare to go to dinner, you will accompany my soldiers to the scene, I repeat and this should be understood and guard, if one of you tries to flee I assure you that I will kill you all, now if you plan an escape I tell you in advance that the tactic dies and erase it from your minds. One will cost you your life ”

When I finished speaking these words I came out of here, I found Yemi standing at the door, she hugged me slowly.

"Sorry my husband"

"Thank you"

"How did you manage to find him?"

"No soldiers are still searching for them, but I have decided to return for these other foreigners."

"Okay my husband"

"Are you ready for dinner?"

"Yaa here I am cool"


“Okay. Major exercise completed? ”

“I Am Great”

"Isn't there a TV there?"

"That's great"

"So make sure you keep the same plans"

"That's great"

"This young Major is my bodyguard from now on, I believe you know him well?"

"Yes, I know him and he has no problem with his behavior and even the fight against the use of arms and legs is fine."

"Thank you for your information, Major, prepare the soldiers who will escort these leaders to the food court. I am preceded by my wife."


    We started walking with Yemi holding my hand. Every time Yemi looks at me, she seems to need to ask me a question but she fails.

"My husband is suffering from this job ehee?"

"No, why did you say that?"

"You see how you wore these bulletproof vests, but if you were a fashionista right now you would have just calmed down."

"Ahahaaa don't worry my wife, it's all life"

Arriving at the dining hall, I found a long table set up for groceries. I looked at it intently, ordering Martin to start inspecting one chair after another and under the table, as the bombing incident under the president's seat in Tanga, while I was his bodyguard, still echoed in my head.

"It's all right, great"


Yemi and I sat down in our seats, after a while all the leaders entered the area, most of them looking at me with their faces folded and if it was their orders then they would have killed me. 



I spoke while standing, no one responded to my welcome, I did not care about that other than to sit and they sat down. I waved to the major, turned on the TV inside, and a video of the K2 guards fighting my soldiers began to appear until it came to the point of breaking their necks and killing them and this video clip was recorded by cameras at the scene. The video went on to show how the soldiers' bodies were in the morgue. All the guests began to tremble.

"I told you if one of you goes against me then I will make sure that I kill them with my own hand, can anyone defend themselves against that?"

I spoke as I pulled out my pistol from the place where I had burned it, making the old man who had shouted at me after entering the room they were in, burst into tears and further intimidate his colleagues whose faces are all ruled by fear as no one knows the fate of his life from to me.

"What can you advise me to understand that there is no traitor among you?"

I asked the guests, and the old man continued to weep bitterly.

“Eat food”   

I spoke as I returned my pistol to my waist as I pulled it out.


"My husband, let me ask you something"       

Yemi spoke as she whispered in my ear.

"Just tell my wife"   

"Have pity on them, look at this old man crying"

"Hahahaa, my old hypocritical wife do you remember the tragedy, you could see even one of you shed a tear?"


"Now how is it that here he is crying when all these people are hypocrites"

"Now you really want to kill my husband?"

"No, I'm scared, I need to sign contracts with them."

"Contracts for what?"

"To make sure they bring the money I need every month, because there are families of these dying soldiers, how do we look after them, I want to change this army, it is no longer a terrorist army, I need it to be an army of peace and respected by the people of the world."


"Mmmm okay my husband"

No one was able to hear our conversation because we speak in a very low voice.

"Old man, the more you cry, the more you will make your peers die"

Everyone was shocked and stared at me. I smiled a little to make them even able to eat this food. We started eating slowly with the sounds of spoons and forks being heard in this area.

“I will need to enter into agreements with you. The agreement will allow you to leave this area safely and unharmed, but if you refuse then you will not leave this area and you will take the sentence that K2 has done to my people ”


All the people stopped eating until the one who was about to put a spoonful of food in his mouth found himself lowering it and putting it back on the plate and listening intently.

"Every one of you I need to make sure every end of the partner puts five million dollars in the account of this army, I believe you harvested a lot of money in this army, now is the time for the mint to return what you harvested. Whoever is going to go against the agreement, I will make sure I turn to your country and what I want to do I don't need to talk because you understand that right ”


Almost all the guests shook their heads, I called the major, approached me, and began to give him instructions to make the contracts as soon as possible.

"Okay great"

The major left.

"My husband, what you did is very good"

"Yaa I need my soldiers to live a better life than before"

Less than fifteen minutes later the major came back holding a piece of paper, handed it to me and I went through it as fast as I could. I got up from my chair and began to pass one guest after another.


“Read the contract carefully and understand the details, choose to die or send money. You have five minutes ”

I went back and sat in my chair, there was no stranger to break my contract because they all like to end up. Each signed a one-year contract and after that the two of us parted ways. After the guests handed over the contracts I had given them, I had no choice but to let them leave the camp.

* Great ”   

Martin spoke as he looked me in the face


"There's something you have to see"



"On television"

Accompanying Martin to my office, I saw a report on the United States sending its air and ground forces to assist Nigeria in ensuring that it eliminated the Boko Haram group. I sat in silence for a few seconds as I pondered what to do.

"Did they announce about the leader of this group?"

"No I believe the death of an old man has not yet reached the ears of many people"

"Okay call me all the commanders of the forces, I need to hold an emergency session with them"


Although I am very tired and time has passed but I do not know how it costs me to make sure I protect my army and I do not even think of losing one of these soldiers. The desk phone rang quickly and I received it.

"Genero Peter?"

"General do we have a problem?"

"What's the matter?"

"We are in the bush and I see there are armies preparing to attack us."


"How far away are Shiitiiii?"

"About a mile, there are young people who have seen them"

"Do you have enough weapons?"

"They are there but we will need your great help, because they can even use planes to finish us off"

“Do Not Worry”

I hung up the phone and took a deep breath, as it is the second day in the leadership of this army but I am facing one challenge that is frankly difficult to deal with quickly. Five soldiers entered, accompanied by a major.

"I believe you have heard or have not yet heard, the United States has sent its army here to Nigeria and they are supporting the Nigerian army, and as I speak now I have received information from the military in the country, ground forces are coming now I do not know what time the air force will arrive here? ”

Major and his colleagues looked very surprised, 


"General, we believe that there must be a traitor among the foreigners because this camp is very difficult to identify."

"It's true and that has happened and at the moment we have no choice but to plan and make sure we stop them even before they can get here."

"General we have fifteen warplanes of which ten are jets capable of carrying out airstrikes, and five are large aircraft capable of carrying large bombs capable of detonating more than ten thousand liters with one bomb."


About hyam27

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